


childhood 童年

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小时候,我家住在胡同深处的一个四合院中。 记得那时候,院子中、胡同里年龄相仿的小孩们都是我的玩伴。放学后、假期里,在胡同中都会看到我们的身影。 我们的游戏很简单,但都充满乐趣。 春天,当大人们放飞各式各样的风筝时,我们就会用几根竹篾、一张纸、一根长长的线,做成最简单也最廉价的风筝—“屁帘”。欢呼着、奔跑着放松手中的长线。在风中,风筝越飞越高,和大人们的沙燕、蝴蝶不相上下,心中充满了得意。几乎每次都是不小心,把自己的风筝缠在了他人的风筝上或是电线上取不下来时,才十分不情愿的离开…….. 夏天是最开心的季节。迎来了快乐的暑假。急急的写完作业,我们经常拿着不知从何处找来的竹竿和自己熬制的胶,一起去粘蜻蜓和知了。那时的蜻蜓似乎比现在多许多,每次都能轻而易举的捉许多(现在想起来真是汗颜);也时常背着家人去后海游泳,把皮肤晒的黑黑的。但即使这样也是乐此不疲。 秋天,当树叶飘落,我们最喜爱的游戏就是“拔根”。从落叶中挑出最粗、最结实的叶柄,然后去和小伙伴较量,看谁的能坚持的最久而不被折断。这样的游戏能持续整个秋季……. 冬天,我们按照课外书上教的那样,用玻璃瓶装上水、染料和小灯泡,冻成冰灯。然后满心欢喜的四处炫耀。每到下雪,胡同里的孩子们就会聚在一起堆雪人。雪人高高的,有着煤球做的眼睛、辣椒做的嘴,一把笤帚当作胳膊,小铁桶当作他的帽子…….打雪仗也是我们最喜欢的。孩子们会分成两拨,各自选出投手进行战斗,其他人有的负责制作“炮弹”,有的负责运输。战斗到激烈时候,所有的“战士”都参加进来。每次都是小手冻得通红,浑身上下湿淋淋的。 随着时间的流逝,我们已渐渐长大,童年离我们已经一去不返,再也无处找寻,我们再也无法回到过去,再也不能去做童年时的游戏….. 面对现实整日忙忙碌碌、纷纷扰扰的世界,真的希望能有个时光隧道,带我回到从前,回到童年时代,再也不会来……….as a child, i lived in the depths of an alley in the courtyard. i remember at that time, the yard, alley, similar to the age of the children who are my friends. after school, holidays, in an alley in the city to see our shadow. our game is very simple, but fun. in the spring, when the great people of all kinds of kite flying, we would have a few bamboo, a piece of paper, a long line, made the simplest and most low-cost flying – “fart curtain.” cheers, relax in the hands of running a long-term. in the wind, the more over the high-flying, and the people of sand martin, about the same butterflies, hearts full of pride. almost every time i do not care, their entangled in a kite-flying on others or do not get down on the wire, only very reluctant to leave … … .. summer is the happiest season. ushered in a happy summer vacation. trying to finish the work, we often do not know where to get a hold of their own aozhi of bamboo and plastic, to stick together

